How to relieve the digestive system in little ones

Signs you little one is having some digestive discomfort

  • Squirminess or pulling legs up to the chest, body tension in the legs, arms, fists, back, or abdomen Consistent crying, often for an hour or more or crying for no particular reason

  • Reduced appetite

  • Appearing to be unhappy or fussy often

  • Unable to sleep

  • Swollen belly

  • Constipation

  • Predictable timing of crying episodes that occur especially in the late afternoon or early evening 

  • Facial discoloration such as a reddened face or pale mouth 

  • Colic episodes followed by a bowel movement or passing of gas that may bring temporary relief 

  • The baby closing their eyes tight or opening them wide, furrowing their brow, or even holding their breath 

  • Crying that disrupts eating and sleeping patterns  


  • Ingesting too much gas when feeding: poor latching, tongue or lip tie, feeding often when baby is already crying and upset so they take in more air.

  • Reflux, also silent reflux

  • Hypersensitivity or food allergies (cow’s milk or lactose)

  • An underdeveloped digestive system

  • Tension through the abdomen, stomach and neck (relates to the nerves going to the digestive system) 

How to help

  • Change or adjust feeding positions: If your little one is bottle feeding, it may be beneficial to tip the bottle up slightly or switch to a slower-flow nipple to reduce air bubbles. Additionally, feeding your baby in an upright position can reduce the amount of air they swallow.

  • Time feedings correctly: It is important to not wait until your baby is having a meltdown to feed them (Although this can be unpredictable, especially in newborns). So, make sure to look out for hunger cues as the more your baby cries, the more air they will swallow.

  • Tummy time: There are many benefits to tummy time from strengthening back and neck muscles, preparing them for crawling and walking and helping with baby gas relief due to the slight pressure it puts on their tummy.

  • Baby Burps: To help prevent a buildup of gas, burp your baby by also gently patting their back more than once during feedings.

  • Switch formulas: If none of the above methods have worked, it may be time to switch formulas. In most cases, this should be done gradually so as to not overwhelm your little one’s delicate digestive system. Several formulas are available that accommodate a range of dietary needs such as anti-reflux and hypoallergenic formulas. 

  • If you want breastmilk but are unable to, you can see the facebook page: human milk for human babies from mothers who have donated milk.


Foods to avoid for breastfeeding mums

  • Soy

  • Dairy

  • Hot or spicy foods

  • Fiber-rich foods

  • Caffeine or carbonated beverages

  • Acidic foods (Citrus fruits for example)

  • Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, artichokes, asparagus, onions and cauliflower

  • Artificial sweeteners

  • Highly processed foods

  • Fiber: like bran, beans and whole grains.

  • Fruit: Citrus fruits, prunes, plums, peaches or apricots. We would suggest avoiding all fruits.

  • Garlic and garlic-seasoned foods like pasta dishes or garlic bread.

  • Dairy: yoghurt, ice cream or milk products.

  • All carbonated beverages including water

  • Seafood and fish high in mercury

  • Processed foods, including carbonated drinks

  • Alcohol

  • Starches such as potatoes, corn and pasta 

  • Chocolate 


As such, a healthy diet for breastfeeding mothers to avoid colic may include

  • Plenty of water to stay hydrated 

  • Non-cruciferous vegetables 

  • Whole grains 

  • Lean proteins 

  • Mushrooms 

  • Herbal tea 

  • Apple cider vinegar before each meal in warm water 

  • Probiotics

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!