Your Path to Optimal Health.
Can chiropractic help me?
The best early learning experience.
Our Nervous System is a vast communication system made up of nerves, some travelling in big pathways like the spinal cord, carrying signals to and from the brain. The brain processes information from all our sensory systems, from the eyes, ears, nose, from touch and taste.
It uses this information to interpret what is happening in our environment. Importantly, the brain also receives information from joints and muscles of the body. With this information, the brain builds a picture of our body that it uses to direct the workings and movement of all our body parts. This brain-body connection allows us to function in a balanced and coordinated way, to accurately interpret information and to respond optimally to the world around us.
The joints that connect the midline of our bony skeleton - the spine, the pelvis, the cranial
system and the muscles and soft tissues around them play a special role in the brain-body
connection. They provide us with postural support and allow us to move well. They also protect
the delicate tissues of the central nervous system. Information from these midline joints provide
a rich source of sensory input to the brain. Millions of signals from these joints constantly inform the brain about where we are in space and how we are moving.
The brain processes this information and uses it to guide us in our movement.movement of all our body parts. This brain-body connection allows us to function in a balanced and coordinated way, to accurately interpret information and to respond optimally to the world around us.
Exposure to the stresses of our modern world begins very early in life and can lead to distortions (sometimes called “subluxations”) in the spinal joints and their soft tissues which can then upset our stability and movement, cause pain and lead to tension in our sensitive human system. This disrupts the normal communication between our brain and body and as a result we are less able to defend and balance our environment, both internally and externally. This tension is compounded over time. When left unchecked, it leads to dysfunction and disease of any systems of the body.
In our children this may present as colic, feeding or gut issues, sleep disturbances or concentration problems. In adults it often leads to movement injuries, headaches, back pain or fatigue to name a few. Many people come to us for a specific issue or complaint, however it is important to note that the symptoms of this tension can be subtle but the effects are always detrimental to our health and vitality. These distortions are sometimes referred to as “subluxations”. Chiropractors are the most skilled professionals at assessing and correcting these postural and movement distortions. Chiropractors ‘adjust’ the spine and other joints to restore balance and improve movement and function. There are many different chiropractic techniques, each with the same purpose: to restore movement and improve overall bodily function. At Pure Health Chiropractic, we use a gentle low force framework of chiropractic care called SOT and Thompson techniques as well as incorporating a variety of other techniques to maximise patient outcomes.

Pregnancy, Babies & Children.
The incredible physical and hormonal events occurring in a woman’s body during
pregnancy are both miraculous and challenging… It is a time when the body expresses amazing wisdom.
Ligament laxity, weight gain and shifts in the body’s centre of gravity are some of the
extraordinary changes that accommodate a growing baby. These changes sometimes
create joint discomfort, particularly in the low back and pelvis and stress to soft tissues
like muscles and ligaments.
Chiropractors are skilful at assessing improper joint motion and function. Restoring
balance to the musculoskeletal system can make pregnancy a more comfortable journey
for many women.
We use gentle blocking procedures, and other SOT techniques to assist with healthy
function throughout this time and to prepare the body for birthing.
We are experienced in the gentle care of women during all stages of pregnancy.
Postnatal chiropractic is incredibly supportive for recovery of your body after birth so you
can enjoy this precious time with your newborn feeling confident and healthy.
Every baby deserves a healthy start.
As your baby enters the world, their fragile spine and body comes under incredible
pressure. Difficult labour and medical interventions can cause even more stress, causing
far-reaching effects.
Many people bring their children and newborn to Pure Health chiropractic to give children
the best possible start to life. Chiropractic care can help detect issues caused by birth and
labour which can go on to cause discomforts such as colic, digestive issues, sleep problems,
ear, nose and throat infections and feeding difficulties.

We use gentle techniques for little bodies.
Chiropractors at Pure Health Chiropractic have completed additional paediatric studies
beyond bachelor and master's degrees. We use age-appropriate, gentle techniques which
give no discomfort to your little one.
Call our Amsterdam practice today to find out how chiropractic can help give your children
the best possible start in life, and grow up healthy, happy and strong.
Achieve Great Health with Chiropractic Care.
Unlock your body full potential with the support of chiropractic care. Experience the restoration of balance, relief from pain and significant improvements in nervous system function allowing you to enhance your overall well-being and live a pain free life.
- Restore Balance
- Relieve Pain
- Enhance Function
Discover the Effects of Chiropractic.
Discover the effect of chiropractic and a world of enhanced well-being. Through chiropractic care, you can optimise your movement, alleviate discomfort and embrace a pain-free lifestyle. Experience the benefits of chiropractic and live your fullest life.
- Optimise Movement
- Alleviate Discomfort
- Embrace a Pain-Free Lifestyle
What CLIENTS say
I had a tough delivery of my first child and had to lie on one side for a significant part
of labour. Post birth I was unable to walk due to my pelvis being unstable, had
constant low back pain and feeling disconnected with my legs and body. I also had
incontinence from the long labour. After 4 weeks I could take pain-free walks with
my new daughter, there was no more incontinence and I could start with some
gentle exercise. It’s helped me be able to enjoy this precious time as a new mum.
Kirsty S.
From age 5 I’ve needed prism glasses and was told my eyesight would never
improve. At my last check up the astonished optometrists told me I no longer
needed prism glasses and vision improved significantly from -5 in both eyes to -1.5 in
one eye and -2 in the other eye. I'm incredibly grateful to have more freedom now
with contact lenses. I'm truly thankful that I received treatment from you. Thank you!
Morsal I.
I’ve had sinus issues for 10+ years and was told in my teens that the only option for
me to ever breathe properly was surgery. After 6 adjustments I have experienced a
greater capacity to breathe, have a huge relief of pressure in my head and sinuses.
My energy and sleep have improved greatly!
Frederik S.
I had daily headaches and weekly migraines for years and for the past 2 years
insomnia with resultant fatigue and less quality of life. Thanks to Anna I sleep
through the night, every night and haven't had any headaches or migraines. I am
back to my old self!
Manu B.
I had severe back pain from a hernia at L5/S1 with sciatica into both legs and was
barely able to walk. I was told my only option was surgery which for me, was the very
last option I would choose. A friend recommended I see Anna as she has experience
in this area. After 2 weeks the sciatica was completely gone, after 6 weeks the
strength was fully back in my legs and now I go regularly to maintain the progress
I’ve made and take care of my spine and health.
Marco D.
I was 27 weeks pregnant and having back pain that was affecting sleep and overall
energy throughout the day. I also had stomach reflux and digestive issues that are
common with pregnancy. After seeing Anna my digestive issues cleared up as did
my back pain. The adjustments are just magical! Tell every pregnant woman you
know how much it can help!
Femke R.
I was nervous about giving birth and doing everything I could to prepare myself
when someone recommended Anna for balancing my body throughout pregnancy
and birth. I had the best pregnancy with barely any issues and my birth was
fantastic. I tell every pregnant woman I know to go to Pure Health!
Steph H.
Our baby was having trouble crawling at 10 months, was always getting sick and
barely sleeping. We were exhausted. After going to Pure Health our son has started
crawling properly, he’s sleeping through the night and rarely sick. It’s incredible the
difference chiropractic has made in not only our son's life but also ours!
Tim and
Susan R.
I am so happy to have met Chanelle, her professionalism and commitment helped me throughout my recovery. Her availability and skills are immeasurable. The girls at pure health are very kind and always willing to find the perfect solution for your needs.
Noemi C.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective treatment method aimed at restoring normal function to the nervous system and spine. They can help reduce pain, improve mobility, and promote overall well-being.
This is why over 30 million people see a chiropractor each year. In fact, there are over 1 million chiropractic adjustments performed every business day. Moreover, the majority of high performing athletes and sporting teams worldwide use chiropractic care to improve performance and achieve the best from their body.
A 2001 Australian Medicare Review concluded: “People under chiropractic care used 69% less medical care”, equating to a dramatic decrease in the need for drugs and surgery.
Chiropractic adjustments are safe when performed by a well-trained and licensed chiropractor. By utilising specific techniques and considering the individual’s health condition, a chiropractor minimises the risk of side effects or complications.
– “Chiropractors are the only health practitioners who are necessarily equipped by their education and training to carry out spinal manual therapy (spinal adjustments).”
– “Chiropractors carry out spinal diagnosis and therapy at a sophisticated and refined level.”
– “Spinal manual therapy in the hands of a registered chiropractor is safe.”
– “The duration and training of a registered chiropractor are sufficient to enable him/her to determine whether there are contraindications to spinal manual therapy in a particular case, and whether that patient should have medical care instead of, or as well as, chiropractic care.”
(New Zealand Report. Hasselberg PD. Government Printer, Wellington – 1979.)
– “There is no clinical or case-control study that demonstrates or even implies that chiropractic spinal manipulation is unsafe in the treatment of low back pain.”
– “Chiropractic manipulation is safer than medical management of low back pain. Chiropractic management is greatly superior to medical management in terms of scientific validity, safety, cost-effectiveness and patient satisfaction.”
(The Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low-Back Pain (The Manga Report). Pran Manga and Associates (1993) – University of Ottawa, Canada.)
Discomfort is rare and most people find having an adjustment very relaxing.
With some adjustments you may sometimes feel or hear a popping sound from the spinal joints. This is simply caused by a change in pressure in the joint as spinal movement is improved.
Our chiropractors use different techniques to give the best results with the least discomfort. We use skill, not force or strength to care for people with the highest degree of safety and effectiveness which is why we see little ones just days old through to the elderly.
– “Chiropractors are the only health practitioners who are necessarily equipped by their education and training to carry out spinal manual therapy (spinal adjustments).”
– “Chiropractors carry out spinal diagnosis and therapy at a sophisticated and refined level.”
– “Spinal manual therapy in the hands of a registered chiropractor is safe.”
– “The duration and training of a registered chiropractor are sufficient to enable him/her to determine whether there are contraindications to spinal manual therapy in a particular case, and whether that patient should have medical care instead of, or as well as, chiropractic care.”
(New Zealand Report. Hasselberg PD. Government Printer, Wellington – 1979.)
– “There is no clinical or case-control study that demonstrates or even implies that chiropractic spinal manipulation is unsafe in the treatment of low back pain.”
– “Chiropractic manipulation is safer than medical management of low back pain. Chiropractic management is greatly superior to medical management in terms of scientific validity, safety, cost-effectiveness and patient satisfaction.”
(The Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low-Back Pain (The Manga Report). Pran Manga and Associates (1993) – University of Ottawa, Canada.)
Chiropractic care can provide many benefits. It can offer relief from back and neck pain, headaches, joint issues and muscular discomfort. Chiropractic care optimises the nervous system, improves posture, enhances overall health and supports the body’s natural healing process.
Chiropractic adjustments focus on correcting irregular joint movement patterns, particularly in the spine. By performing these adjustments, normal motion is restored to the joint, reducing tension and pressure on nerves and stimulating the body’s self-healing and balancing capabilities by increasing feedback between the brain and the body.
Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper alignment and movement to the spine and other joints. This aids in improving communication between the nervous system and the rest of the body, allowing the body to function better, reduce pain, and promote natural healing.
There is no age limit on chiropractic and more and more people are consulting chiropractors, especially in their later years. In order to deliver the safest, most effective and highest quality care possible, chiropractic techniques are modified appropriately for each person at every age and stage of life.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy can offer numerous benefits. It can help alleviate back pain, pelvic discomfort and other common pregnancy discomforts. Chiropractic adjustments are safe and can contribute to a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery.
Chiropractic care is essential as it focuses on maintaining a healthy spine and a well-functioning nervous system. A healthy spine is crucial for overall well-being as it forms the foundation for good posture, movement and body function. Regular chiropractic care can help prevent injuries, reduce pain, and promote optimal health and quality of life.
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