
workout, ball, pilates-1931107.jpg

Exercise Erases Genetic Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: It’s Time to Stop Blaming Genes and Start Empowering Taking Responsibility for Lifestyle Choices




Exercise Erases Genetic Risk of Type 2 Diabetes:
It’s Time to Stop Blaming Genes and Start Empowering Taking Responsibility for Lifestyle Choices

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During a median follow-up of 6.8 years, there was a strong linear dose-response association between moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and incident T2D, even after adjusting for genetic risk. Compared with the least active participants, the HRs [hazard ratios or risk] for higher levels of MVPA were: 0.63 for 5.3–25.9 min/day, 0.41 for 26.0–68.4 min/day and 0.26 for >68.4min/day.

The association between total physical activity/MVPA and T2D was similar across genetic risk strata but the absolute risk reduction from MVPA was the largest for those with high genetic risk.

Overall, results based on the total physical activity and MVPA showed similar patterns. In both cases, high genetic risk and the highest total physical activity/ MVPA combination were associated with a lower risk of incident T2D than low genetic risk and the lowest total physical activity/ MVPA combination.

Conclusion: Participation in physical activity, particularly MVPA, should be promoted especially in those with high genetic risk of T2D. There may be no minimal or maximal threshold for the benefits. This finding can inform future guidelines development and interventions to prevent T2D.


This most important finding of this study is that people identified as having high genetic risk that had high levels of physical activity had lower risk of developing diabetes than people identified as having low genetic risk that had low levels of physical activity.

In other words, exercise/activity level is the variable determining if you develop diabetes NOT your genes! Exercise/activity levels determine the expression of your genes and deficient exercise/physical activity causes the genetic expression of diabetes.

Diet is also a very significant determining factor regarding whether you genetically express diabetes or not. Chronic illness is lifestyle illness NOT genetic illness. The only way to prevent or cure diabetes and other chronic illnesses is to live a healthy lifestyle that results in the genetic expression of chronic health rather than chronic illness – you need to ‘live right for your species type’!


You need to exercise every day, you need to eat a healthy diet, and you need to have healthy attitudes, emotions, and social interactions – if you want to get and stay well, you need to eat well, move well, and think well. There is simply no other way.


Luo et al. (2022) Accelerometer-measured intensity-specific physical activity, genetic risk, and incident type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study. Br J Sports Med ;0:1-8:10.1136/bsports-2022-106653

James Chestnut DC



Exercise Erases Genetic Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: It’s Time to Stop Blaming Genes and Start Empowering Taking Responsibility for Lifestyle Choices Read More »

The Proven Health and Well-Being Benefits of Daily Gratitude




The Proven Health and Well-Being Benefits of Daily Gratitude

Free Crop anonymous male holding transparent glass bottle of water in hand against beige wall with shades during sunny day Stock Photo

“Research has found that higher gratitude is associated with a better life, indexed as higher positive affect, self-esteem, positive emotions, optimism, autonomy, environmental mastery, relationships, personal growth, meaning in life, and self-acceptance. Gratitude has also been associated better mental health with a positive affect on; depression, anxiety, phobia, bulimia, addictions, negative emotions, dysfunctions, anger, and hostility.”

“Life satisfaction is the cognitive component of subjective well-being and reflects the global evaluation that people make about their satisfaction with their own lives in several domains such as work, marriage, and health. Life satisfaction is associated with a host of positive outcomes, indexed in terms of better mental and physical health, healthier weight and eating behaviors, more exercise, longer life expectancy, higher levels of career satisfaction and higher organizational commitment. It has also been associated with lower addictions and unhealthy habits (e.g., tobacco, drugs, and alcohol use), lower mortality rates, and lower levels of anxiety and depression.”

“Both studies show, for the first time, that gratitude and life satisfaction mutually predict each other over time. The reciprocal relationships suggest the existence of a virtuous circle of human well-being: higher levels of gratitude increase life satisfaction, which in turn increases gratitude, leading to a positive spiral.”


Gratitude is a natural, safe anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, anti-resentment, anti-self-pity, anti-pessimism intervention. Gratitude is a natural, safe, health promoting, illness preventing, energy and vitality boosting, optimism boosting, life satisfaction boosting, well-being boosting intervention.

Gratitude is literally a panacea for improving physical and mental health and well-being. Gratitude has only positive side-effects. Gratitude is FREE and it takes MINIMAL EFFORT.


It’s good to have a daily gratitude routine. Every morning when you open your eyes immediately think of things for which you are grateful – do not get out of bed until you FEEL grateful. Every night when you go to bed think of things for which you are grateful until you FEEL grateful. Practice gratitude at regular intervals during the day.


Unanue et al. (2019) The Reciprocal Relationship Between Gratitude and Life Satisfaction: Evidence From Two Longitudinal Field Studies

James Chestnut DC



The Proven Health and Well-Being Benefits of Daily Gratitude Read More »

Some simple steps to detoxify your life in The Netherlands.

Some Simple Steps to Detoxify Your Life in The Netherlands

Some Simple Steps to Detoxify Your Life in The Netherlands

Free Crop anonymous male holding transparent glass bottle of water in hand against beige wall with shades during sunny day Stock Photo

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are constantly exposed to a number of toxins. These toxins build up in our body over time and have been linked to a number of health problems including manipulation of hormones, thyroid disease and even some cancers. While some toxins (the ones we breathe) are unavoidable, there are a number of toxins we can reduce in our everyday life by implementing a few simple changes. Even if you just complete 1 of the steps listed below, you will have created a change that will better your health and wellbeing long-term.


Comparing world-wide water sources, The Netherlands has a good source however, many houses still have lead pipes that leak into the water which has been shown to decrease IQ points in young children amongst other effects on health, the use of medications that go into the sewage system and waterways can end up in our drinking water and usage of other chemicals used to clean the drinking water. Investing in a good quality water filter can help to remove unwanted chemicals and additives from your drinking source. We love the Berkey water filter as it filters the water up to 99.9%. You can also look at reverse osmosis filters that remove all the minerals in water (good and bad) however it is important to find a way to replenish the good minerals.

*Hot tip – This website sometimes has stock product that has a little dent in it and you get it for a discount price: www.alternatievemiddelen.nl

Use a stainless steel water bottle or glass (if you aren’t accident-prone) rather than a plastic bottle at all times to avoid exposure to Bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical linked to breast cancer and other health concerns.


Buy organic whenever possible. Ensure you wash and/or peel all conventional fruit and veg to minimize pesticide exposure. Check out our Instagram page here for foods that have higher rates of pesticides and are especially important to buy organic, and the ones that have lower measurements of pesticides that if you can’t buy organic, are a better option. Ekoplaza/Marqt is organic and provides home delivery and Jumbo is getting a higher amount of organic produce every month. The Noordermarkt on a Saturday offers a wide range and Odin is a great Co-op supermarket in Amsterdam. Become a member there and they give you a discount on your shopping plus also offer online ordering for your groceries: www.odin.nl.

Always buy fresh, seasonal vegetables. These have the highest nutrients as they are recently picked.

When buying vegetables and fruit, try to go somewhere that offers the product that hasn’t been wrapped in plastic to avoid any plastic exposure.

Avoid canned foods. Many food and beverage cans are lined with BPA.

Cook using stainless steel fry-pans or cast-iron. Avoid the use of Teflon and other non-stick surfaces. For cooking utensils use either wood or steel, not silicon or plastic as these degrade over time and end up in your food.

Reduce your exposure to foods in plastic containers, choose for glass storage containers instead. Everywhere sells these now from Hema to Blokker.


Switch to natural cleaners for household cleaning whether it be dishwashing tablets, washing detergents or kitchen cleaner as we are also exposed to toxins that way – you cook your food on these surfaces, you sleep in the linen, your children play on the floor.

**Hot tip #2 We buy in large amounts of 5L here: www.biggreensmile.nl

Personal Care

Use an aluminium-free natural deodorant and reduce your use of perfume. When you do use perfume, spray this on your clothes, instead of your skin. For aluminium-free deodorants, you can find these at Ekoplaza/Marqt, Lavendula on the westerstraat and Holland and Barrett.

Choose natural skin products where you can. Personal care products like makeup, lotions, and even baby shampoo may contain chemicals that have been linked to everything from reproductive complications to cancer. Choose natural, clean products that don’t use things like parabens (preservatives) or petroleum-derived ingredients.

Even just one of these changes can make a huge difference in the long run!

Some simple steps to detoxify your life in The Netherlands. Read More »

Gut Health and Your Nervous System.

Gut Health and Your Nervous System

Gut Health and Your Nervous System

Gut health and the microbiome have become increasingly popular topics in recent years, as more and more research has shown the profound effects that these factors have on our overall health and well-being. So let’s dive a bit deeper into this topic!

What exactly is the gut microbiome, and how does it impact our health? And how does it connect to our nervous system?

To begin, let’s define the gut microbiome. Essentially, it is the collection of microorganisms that live within our intestines. These microorganisms, or “gut bacteria,” play a crucial role in maintaining the health and balance of our digestive system. In fact, the human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, all of which work together to keep our digestive system functioning properly. But the gut microbiome doesn’t just affect our digestion – it also plays a role in our overall health and well-being. Studies have shown that an imbalanced gut microbiome can lead to a variety of health problems, such as inflammation, allergies, skin conditions, autoimmune conditions and even mental health issues. On the other hand, a healthy gut microbiome can improve our immune system, aid in nutrient absorption, and even boost our mood.

How does this connect to the nervous system and how do we maintain a healthy gut microbiome?

The gut and the brain are constantly communicating with each other through a complex network of nerves and hormones. This connection is known as the gut-brain axis. When the gut microbiome is out of balance, it can disrupt this communication, leading to problems such as anxiety, depression, and even neurological disorders. In fact, scientists have even referred to the gut as the “second brain” because of the profound impact that it has on our mental health.

One of the most important things we can do is to eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods. These foods contain prebiotics, which are non-digestible fibers that serve as food for the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Additionally, probiotics, which are live microorganisms found in fermented foods such as yoghurt and kimchi, can help to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria.

What can we do to optimize our gut-brain function?

Diet and lifestyle factors play a huge role in how healthy our gut is.

Stress, poor sleep, alcohol, antibiotics and other prescription medications, sugar consumption and physical inactivity can all negatively affect the health of your gut microbiome. Removing or reducing these from your life can have a big impact.

In case you suspect you have a condition that is caused by an imbalance in your microbiome, it may be helpful to work with a healthcare professional to develop a personalized plan to restore balance. This may include a combination of dietary changes, probiotic and prebiotic supplements, and even antibiotics.

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. It is connected to the nervous system, and an imbalance in either the gut microbiome or the nervous system can lead to a variety of health problems, including mental health issues. But by keeping the nervous system free from interference and eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods, we can maintain a healthy gut-brain axis and in turn, improve our overall health and well-being. A healthy gut is a big step towards a healthy mind-body.

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Testing your Bowel Transit Time with the Sesame Seed Challenge.

Testing Your Bowel Transit Time with the Sesame Seed Challenge

Testing Your Bowel Transit Time with the Sesame Seed Challenge

Stool or ‘bowel transit time’ is the time it takes for your food to travel through your entire digestive tract (AKA in one end and out the other). Monitoring your bowel transit time is a great indicator of gut health. Today we have a test to know your transit time and what the results may indicate.


Before we dive into the juicy details, let’s recap on the path of which food takes once it leaves “the outside world”…

As food enters the mouth, we (hopefully) chew our food well, before it is swallowed. Once swallowed, the food moves to the stomach, where over the course of anywhere between 40mins- a few hours, it is mixed with stomach acid and digestive enzymes. From there, it travels through the pyloric sphincter into the small intestine, where the extraction of nutrients begins. What’s left, then moves to the large intestine where bacteria break down proteins and starches that were not digested fully in the small intestine and water is extracted. The remaining waste gets eliminated through the colon in the form of a Number 2. The topic we already touched on in our most recent newsletter, the size, shape and colour of this toilet bowl ‘deposit’ can tell us a whole lot about how effectively this process is working; as can the time it takes for this process to be completed. Intrigued? Read on…


The ideal bowel transit time is anywhere from 12 to 24 hours.

A transit time longer than 2 days means things are backing up in your GIT and as such, this can increase your risk of hormonal imbalance, diverticulosis, colon cancer and candida (overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria), which in turn can weaken the immune system.

A transit time less than 10 hours can mean lack of nutrient absorption, which can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies and weakened immunity. Factors affecting transit time can include food allergies, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, IBS, excess caffeine intake and more.


Sesame seeds (like corn) remain undigested as they pass through the GIT therefore we can use them to test GIT transit. If you’re willing to give this a go, all you have to do is follow these three simple steps…


  1. Mix a teaspoon of sesame seeds into a glass of room temperature water
  2. Drink it up!
  3. Wait and watch!


If your transit time falls outside the recommended 12-24 hours to help ‘move things in the right direction’, here are a few suggestions to increase optimal digestive function and bowel transit time:

  • Eat more fiber – A huge problem in today’s society. Add in lots of fruit, veggies, and legumes to your diet – a minimum of 6 cups per day (yes, you read that correctly, 6 Cups!).
  • Increase your water intake – aim for 0.033 x body weight (kg) = L per day.
  • Reduce consumption of white and refined grains, carbohydrates, pasta, and bread.
  • Consume more cultured/fermented foods such as: pot-set yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir.
  • Increase your amount of daily exercise.

If none of the above helps when you retest a few times, I recommend seeking the help of a qualified health practitioner (if you need, ask us for some tips of good practitioners in Amsterdam).

Testing your Bowel Transit Time with the Sesame Seed Challenge. Read More »

What your poop says about you

What Your Poop Says About You

What Your Poop Says About You

Poop Image

Although some people find bowel habits a source of embarrassment, what happens in your bathroom can provide you with a whole lot of insight into not only how well your digestive system is working, but also how to fix it. Concerned your poop isn’t up to scratch? Not sure what your poop is meant to look like? Before you flush, you might want to read this!

If your digestive system is not working properly, you are at greater risk of having a weakened immune system, suffering from malnutrition (even if you’re eating all the right foods) and even struggling with mood disorders such as depression. Better understanding your digestion is the first step you can take to optimize your overall health and even shift those unwanted kilos, eliminate headaches and skin conditions and manage auto-immune conditions.

The Rabbit Poop

If you see hard lumps in the toilet, chances are you have a tendency towards constipation. The best thing to do in this case is increase your intake of clean, filtered water as well as up your intake of leafy greens and other vegetables.

Rabbit poop can also be a sign of poor gut bacteria, and as such, you may require a boost in gut-friendly bacteria.

The Out-of-Shape Poop

While rabbit poop is more of a constipation issue, out of shape poop falls on the diarrhea side of the spectrum. Unformed stool is often associated with a short transit time, which means the foods you are eating are moving too quickly within your digestive tract and hence, you are leaving little time for your body to assimilate the required nutrients. To help solidify the stool, cut your intake of processed foods (in particular ALL artificial sweeteners) and increase your intake of fiber (lots of fresh vegetables and leafy greens). If that’s not enough, chronic diarrhea can be the result of an infection (from any kind of microbe like that of a parasite, fungi, or bacteria), if this is the case, you will need to seek the help of a professional to restore full health.

Deja Poo

Looking at your poo and seeing what you ate for dinner the night before? Either you have not chewed your food well enough or your digestive system is in need of support. The exception to this rule is the odd kernel of corn, flax seeds, or a piece of tomato skin that can be difficult to digest.

For many people seeing what you ate for dinner is indicative of low stomach acid. Low stomach acid can be caused by stress, antacid medications, and an H. Pylori infection. It also appears that eating a vegetarian diet for a significant period of time can also lower your stomach acid levels.

Another cause of undigested food particles in your food is not chewing your food properly. Slow down and chew your food (there are no extra teeth in your stomach!).

To help restore your poop to its natural state, address your levels of stress, chew your food properly, and opt for some natural remedies to help boost your stomach acid production such as lemon juice in warm water, apple cider vinegar, pineapple, and paw paw. If you’ve addressed all of the above and you’re still struggling, additional support from various available digestive enzymes might be required.

The Floating Foul-Smelling Poop

Floating, foul-smelling, skid mark leaving and/or pale in color poop is a clear indication that you’re malabsorbing fats. The most common cause of this is a dramatic increase in the intake of fats and is very common for those letting go of the low-fat dogma. Eating fat is not bad, it’s just the liver and the gall-bladder need a little bit of time to increase bile production. If your poop falls into this category, the best strategy is to cut back on your fat intake and begin to increase it slowly as you adjust. You would also want to boost the health of your liver and gall-bladder to help the process, hot water and lemon juice daily is a great place to start.

The Perfect Poop

The perfect poop should be the size and shape of a banana and be easy to pass. If your digestion is optimal you should be having at least 1 bowel movement per day, but up to 2-3 per day is ok. The color should be a shade of mission brown.

For some people, implementing the above strategies may not be enough to optimize digestion. In that case, you might want to consider being tested for gastro-intestinal infections and food sensitivities. See your local naturopath or integrative specialist for more information. If you need a recommendation of a good therapist in Amsterdam, let us know and we can provide some names.

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How exercise effect your genes.

How Exercise Affects Your Genes

How Exercise Affects Your Genes

“Physical inactivity produces an abnormal gene expression and is a direct causal factor of most chronic health conditions by its direct alteration of gene expression from a normal phenotype to a preclinical or clinical phenotype.” “Further misconception could arise from the thought that exercise is a tool to repair the expression of the genome when in fact exercise induces normal expression of the genome.” “Thus it may be more useful if physical inactivity is viewed as a direct inducer of chronic health conditions.” “In other words, physical inactivity is an abnormal event for a genome programmed to expect physical activity, thus explaining, in part, the genesis of how physical inactivity leads to metabolic dysfunctions and eventual metabolic disorders such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and so forth.”


This landmark paper discusses the devastating effects that result from a lack of exercise and physical fitness, as well as the proven health, wellness, recovery, and prevention benefits of sufficient exercise and fitness. It stands as one of the most important ever written. Exercise is a genetic requirement for human beings, and it is simply not possible for children, young adults, adults, or seniors to be healthy without daily physical activity.

Whether you currently enjoy exercise or not is irrelevant. It is essential for us to lead a healthy life.

Lack of exercise is a primary causal factor in virtually every chronic disease, including heart disease, obesity, depression, anxiety, digestive disorders, fertility issues, cognitive decline, sexual dysfunction, sleep disorders, cancer, and the leading cause of poor quality of life and shortened lifespan.

Moreover, lack of exercise and deficient physical fitness is a primary causal factor in reduced immune function and severe outcomes from infectious illnesses, including COVID-19 and flu.


You must exercise every day. Consider exercise as an essential nutrient and recognize it as the true panacea for wellness, prevention, and recovery. Let’s get moving!

🏃 🏊 🚴 💃 🕺

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The health risks of BPA.

Understanding the Health Risks of BPA

Understanding the Health Risks of BPA

If you frequently use plastic containers or water bottles, you might have encountered the term BPA, or Bisphenol A. This industrial chemical is an essential component in the production of two widespread synthetic materials.

Polycarbonate and Epoxy Resins are found in a variety of consumer items, including but not limited to food storage containers, baby bottles, and lining for canned goods. It’s critical to understand the health implications of using products that contain BPA.

Health Consequences of BPA:

BPA is not just an ordinary chemical; it has the potential to disrupt hormonal balance in both males and females. Research links BPA to numerous health concerns like infertility, various cancers, obesity, diabetes, early puberty, and behavioral shifts in children. Moreover, BPA has been connected to decreased sperm counts in men.

It’s worth noting that some jurisdictions, like Canada, have already declared BPA as a toxic substance. Both the United States and Europe have banned the use of BPA in plastic infant bottles.

Is ‘BPA-Free’ Truly Safe?

While manufacturers are promoting BPA-free products to alleviate consumer fears, the reality may not be as reassuring. Many of these supposedly safer alternatives contain Bisphenol S (BPS), a compound which early studies suggest might have similar hormone-mimicking properties to BPA.

Reducing BPA Exposure:

  • Switch to glass baby bottles for infant feeding.
  • Opt for reusable stainless steel water bottles instead of plastic ones.
  • Use glass jars or Pyrex containers for storing food.
  • Avoid microwaving food in plastic containers.
  • If you use plastic kitchenware, keep them out of the dishwasher and replace old or scratched items.
  • Consider using glass dishes and cups in place of plastic versions.
  • Steer clear of plastic wrap, especially when microwaving food.

While it may be challenging to entirely eliminate BPA exposure, these steps can substantially lower your risks and contribute to a healthier lifestyle…

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Why I don’t eat Margarine.

Why I Don’t Eat Margarine

Why I Don’t Eat Margarine

I haven’t had margarine since I was probably 10 years old. After the propaganda of ‘fat will block your arteries and kill you” in the 80’s and 90’s, we’ve come a long way to understanding why that isn’t so and why (good) fats are necessary for a healthy body and brain, but also why those low-fat “healthy” alternatives are so often terrible for our health, with margarine being a biggie!


Margarine is typically made from a range of vegetable oils, milk, salt, emulsifiers, colors, flavors, preservatives, food acid, maltodextrin, vitamins A and D amongst other things. To some people, this might sound OK – vegetable oils, vitamins with a few “less desirables” but hey, what are you going to do? We all know we need fewer additives, preservatives, colors, and flavors, but what about the big players in this process?


  • Palm Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Soybean Oil
  • Canola Oil
  • Peanut Oil

Whilst the term “vegetable oil” may sound harmless, unlike olive oil (that’s squeezed from crushed olives), most vegetable oils undergo a long and arduous process that makes the product palatable for sale. Let’s use Canola oil as an example. According to the Weston A. Price Foundation experts Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, the process of preparing canola oil for sale is as follows:

“Like all modern vegetable oils, canola oil goes through the process of refining, bleaching, and degumming — all of which involve high temperatures or chemicals of questionable safety. As canola oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which easily become rancid and foul-smelling when subjected to oxygen and high temperatures, it must be deodorized. The standard deodorization process removes a large portion of the omega-3 fatty acids by turning them into trans fatty acids. Although the Canadian government lists the trans content of canola at a minimal 0.2 percent, research at the University of Florida at Gainesville found trans levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid oil. The consumer has no clue about the presence of trans fatty acids in canola oil because they are not listed on the label.”

Trans fats are the ones we want to avoid. Why? Firstly, they have been linked to inflammation and calcification of arteries, which are well-established risk factors for coronary heart disease. High levels of trans-fats have also been linked with breast cancer as well as pre-eclampsia, obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, allergies, and more.

But what about trans-fat free margarine? Well, this is where it all gets a little science-based BUT according to McGill University in Canada:

“A liquid fat that has mostly unsaturated fatty acids connected to its glycerol backbone is mixed with a solid fat such as glyceryl tristearate. The solid fat can be made by total hydrogenation of a vegetable oil such as soybean oil. Total hydrogenation gets rid of all the double bonds and does not produce any trans fats”

In short, the oil is once again, heavily processed to produce a spreadable option. It’s not real food.


Emulsifiers are used to combine two ingredients that normally don’t mix together, i.e. oil and water or oil and vinegar. Emulsifiers are used frequently in food manufacturing to stabilize processed foods.

What are the health effects? One study suggests emulsifiers have the potential to damage the intestinal barrier, leading to inflammation and increasing our risk of chronic disease.

Another study discovered that feeding mice common emulsifiers resulted in an altered gut microbiome, with reduced numbers of bacteria considered beneficial to health, and increased levels of inflammation-promoting microbes. The research also discovered that once healthy mice who had been fed emulsifiers ate more food and gained more weight (especially body fat), had higher blood sugar levels, and were resistant to the action of insulin AKA metabolic syndrome. A huge player in the health epidemic.


Butter is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, sometimes with a little salt. That’s it.

I know which one I’d rather 🙂

Why I don’t eat Margarine. Read More »