Our favourite gifts for chirstmas this year

Wishing you all a happy holiday from us here at Pure Health Chiropractic.
For those of you giving gifts this year we put together a list of presents that we can highly recommned to give to another, or yourself!

We hope this makes that last minute dash to buy gifts a little easier!


Nothing says “I care about you” more than showing that you care for somones elses or your own health. Whether it be to a nutritionist, orthomolecular therapist, massage, reiki, facial, a day in the spa or whatever you feel you/they can benefit from this is something that can benefit for many years to come.
We have a great network of health professionals that we can recommend so if you are stuck for finding a practitioner, just get in touch and we can send some names.


Whilst disposable coffee cups have a major environmental impact, they also increase our exposure to BPA. BPA poses a major threat to our healthy hormonal balance and has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Reducing my patient’s exposure to BPA is always on the cards, so moving away from plastic products like that of coffee cups is recommended.


Offering to pay for a month’s gym membership or exercise subscription is a great way to give a healthy present.


We covered the importance of these in one of our earlier blogs here so we can agree that we are big advocates of water filtration. We love the Berkey water filter as it filters the water up to 99.9%. You can also look at reverse osmosis filters that remove all the minerals in water (good and bad) however it is important to find a way to replenish the good minerals.
*Hot tip – This website sometimes has stock product that has a little dent in it and you get it for a discount price: www.alternatievemiddelen.nl


When life gets busy, time in the kitchen takes a hit. This is the prime time to start slow cooking. I have the Sunbeam Secret Chef HP8555 and cannot rate it high enough. It’s a lifesaver! It means we can bulk prepare meals and freeze leftovers for a later date. Whilst you’re there, I recommend the Sarah Wilson Slow Cooker Cookbook – it’s got some great recipes!

According to the Environmental Working Group, women use an average of 12 products a day, containing 168 different chemicals. Imagine the total over the course of a year, let alone the course of a lifetime? Significant to say the least! Even just changing one product will reduce your total chemical load. The team at Skin Deep have gone through almost 100,000 products and rated them all from best to worst in terms of chemical additives. From there you can select the product you want and the best option for that category.


We are exposed to copious amounts of blue light in the evening. This can affect the way we sleep and consequently, the food we eat, the way we feel, the way we think and over the long term, our gut health and hormone balance. One way we can reduce our blue light exposure is to switch to night mode (i.OS 9.3 or later):

How do I do this?

Because there is a function in built into our phones, there is no need to download an app from the app store. Just follow these six simple steps, it’s as easy as that!
Ensure your iPhone or iPad software has been updated to i.OS 9.3 or later.
Open Settings. Select Display & Brightness.
Open Night Shift
Toggle on “schedule”, select from “Sunset to Sunrise”
Set colour temperature at “More Warm” for the least amount of blue light during these times


For your phone, computer, tablet and laptop:
Find out about F.LUX here

Third option is to have blue light filters put in your glasses if you wear them. Most optomitrists will do this now as a standard. If you don’t wear glasses you can buy a pair of blue light filtering glasses. Many places sell these glasses now including:

Lois Lee

Blue Berry

Barner brand

Ace and Tate


We call this “party water” in our house. If you know someone who hasn’t had the luxury of having sparkling water on demand, then this is the perfect gift! Not only is it incredibly convenient and cost effective over the long term, you can kiss those pesky plastic bottles good-bye. For the newer soda-stream models you can also get glass bottles. If not, use the plastic bottles to carbonate the water then move the water to glass bottles for storage.


A gift for the whole family! Reduce your exposure to chlorine – a known neurotoxin – using this at home shower filter. It fits any shower head and can be taken with you if you move. We absolutely love ours and would highly recommend it. See my favourite here.


Whilst we are ditching the plastic, a glass drink bottle is a great idea. Warning, they are not for little ones or letting it roll around unprotected in your bike basket. There are numerous to choose from but Bo Bottles does a great version you can find here.


Ditch the synthetic fragrances and their hormone disrupting chemicals! Switch to a natural option, there are many if you have an internet search – Abel, my favourite is here.


Ten-free means they’re free from all of the ten main toxic ingredients found in most nail polishes on the market. These chemicals pose a major threat to hormone health and ones we should be avoiding. You can find my favourites here.


Ditch the plastic razors for life! These razors are designed to last a life-time, with interchangeable blades. There are lots of brands available, but I’ve listed a favourite here.


Whether it’s a walk on the beach, time in the mountains, a bubble bath or a good book, gift yourself the time to do the things you love (Netflix not included). Life is short, the pace is fast, take a step back and reward yourself with the things you love.

From all of us here wishing you a wonderful time with family and friends over the holiday season and a great start to 2024!